[BOJ] 1012

유기농 배추

1012번 https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/1012


  • Silver 2

  • 그래프 이론
  • 그래프 탐색
  • 너비 우선 탐색
  • 깊이 우선 탐색


배추가 있는 곳을 찾아서 DFS 방식으로 인접한 배추들에 한마리의 벌레를 배치하면 됩니다.
재귀를 이용했습니다.

정답 코드

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// place warm at pField[r][c] and adjacent cabbage
void PlaceWarm(int** pField, int row, int col, int r, int c);

int main(void)
    int T;
    scanf(" %d", &T);
    for (int i = 0; i < T; i++)
        int col, row;
        scanf(" %d %d", &col, &row);

        // make row*col size field
        int** field = new int*[row];
        for (int j = 0; j < row; j++)
            field[j] = new int[col];
            for (int k = 0; k < col; k++)
                field[j][k] = CABN_WARMN; // initial state of block
        int K; // num of cabbage
        scanf(" %d", &K);
        for (int j = 0; j < K; j++)
            int x, y; // location of cabbage in the field
            scanf(" %d %d", &x, &y);
            field[y][x] = CABY_WARMN; // (x, y) block has cabbage

        int warmCnt = 0; // number of warm has to place
        for (int j = 0; j < row; j++)
            for (int k = 0; k < col; k++)
                if (field[j][k] == CABY_WARMN)
                    PlaceWarm(field, row, col, j, k);
        printf("%d\n", warmCnt);

        // deallocate memory
        for (int j = 0; j < row; j++)
            delete[] field[j];
        delete[] field;
    return 0;

void PlaceWarm(int** pField, int row, int col, int r, int c)
    pField[r][c] = CABY_WARMY;
    if (r > 0) // place warm at the above cabbage
        // cabbage is there and warm doesn't visit there yet
        if (pField[r - 1][c] == CABY_WARMN)
            PlaceWarm(pField, row, col, r - 1, c);
    if (r < row - 1) // place warm at the below cabbage
        // cabbage is there and warm doesn't visit there yet
        if (pField[r + 1][c] == CABY_WARMN)
            PlaceWarm(pField, row, col, r + 1, c);
    if (c > 0) // place warm at the left cabbage
        // cabbage is there and warm doesn't visit there yet
        if (pField[r][c - 1] == CABY_WARMN)
            PlaceWarm(pField, row, col, r, c - 1);
    if (c < col - 1) // place warm at the right cabbage
        // cabbage is there and warm doesn't visit there yet
        if (pField[r][c + 1] == CABY_WARMN)
            PlaceWarm(pField, row, col, r, c + 1);


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